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Apple Mac Os X 10.8 5 Download Updated

Apple Mac Os X 10.8 5 Download

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2012-3 OS 10 10.8.v (Mountain Lion)

Bone Ten ten.8, also known every bit "Mountain Panthera leo", is a Macintosh operating organisation developed by Apple Inc. It's goal was to starting time incorporating features found in iOS to the Macintosh user interface. It was released on July 25, 2012 from the Mac App Store for $19.99.


The appearance of Mountain Lion is substantially the aforementioned as King of beasts and Snow Leopard. It still uses the Aqua user interface, as well as the steel window color. There is very piffling difference.

New features

Overview bucket features.jpg
  • iCloud -- Mountain King of beasts plans to fully embrace the abilities of iCloud. It will be using it for iMessages, Reminders, Game Center, Post, Notes, and many other features.
  • Messages -- Mountain Lion will bring the popular iMessage feature from the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch to Mac. Y'all will exist able to send and receive messages for costless from your Mac. It can be used exactly similar iOS.
  • Reminders -- Mountain Lion will feature Reminders. It will popular upwardly reminders at you from both your Mac and other iDevices. It will use iCloud to sync reminders to all your devices.
  • Notes -- This i is pretty articulate. Notes for Mac. It will utilise iCloud to sync your notes to all your devices. You can as well create a annotation and cut it out and place it on your desktop just like Sticky Notes from Windows 7.
  • Notification Center -- OS X Mount Lion will also have the Notification Center. It will accept notifications about your Mac and Mac Apps, along with your other iDevices that have iCloud fix. It volition fifty-fifty take a Gesture that will pull upward the Notification Eye merely like on iOS 5, which is done past swiping 2 fingers to the left.
  • Share Sheets -- At present OS X will have the useful share Sheets. Only expect for the sharing icon on some apps to bear witness a transport to... just like on iOS.
  • Twitter -- OS X x.eight will also have enhanced Twitter capability. You will be able to tweet right from your apps. Likewise when you get a mention or a direct message, a Twitter notification appears on your desktop.
  • Game Center -- 1 of the most important add-ons is Game Center. With Game Centre you will be able to see what your friends are doing, bank check your stats, and more than just similar yous accept iOS.
  • AirPlay Mirroring -- Now, just like on iOS y'all will be able to wirelessly mirror your Mac to your Apple TV.
  • Gatekeeper -- Makes the Mac safer than always by helping to prevent users from unknowingly downloading and installing malicious software. And it gives you command over which applications to download and run on your Mac. Now you can choose from 3 security options. You can download and run applications from anywhere, just as in OS Ten Lion. To be even safer, download and run apps from the Mac App Shop and apps with a Programmer ID. Or download and run merely apps from the Mac App Store — the safest setting of all. Gatekeeper lets y'all make up one's mind which setting is best for you.
  • More than Chinese features – has additional features for users in Mainland china, including support for Baidu equally an choice for Safari search engine, QQ, and services for Mail, Contacts and Calendar, Youku, Tudou and Sina Weibo are integrated into share sheets.
  • Time Machine is able to do rotating backups on more than ane storage medium.


Renamed applications

Dropped features

  • RSS support in Mail and Safari has been removed
  • Software Update – has been unified into the Mac App Shop
  • – users are directed to the open source XQuartz project instead

New desktop designs

External links

Mac OS X.png Mac OS 10 / macOS versions
Mac Bone Ten Server : Server 1 (Rhapsody / Hera)
Mac Os X Developer Preview : DP1 | DP2 | DP3 | DP4
Mac OS 10 Public Beta : Public Beta (Kodiak)
Mac Os X 10.0 (Cheetah) : x.0.0 | x.0.i | 10.0.two | x.0.3 | 10.0.four
Mac OS X 10.ane (Puma) : x.1.0 | 10.1.i | 10.ane.2 | 10.ane.3 | |
Mac Bone X 10.two (Jaguar) : ten.2.0 | 10.2.1 | 10.2.2 | 10.2.iii | x.two.4 | 10.2.5 | 10.ii.6 | x.ii.7 | 10.two.8 (G3 / G4 · G5)
Mac Bone 10 10.iii (Panther) : 10.3.0 | x.three.i | ten.three.two | 10.3.3 | 10.iii.iv | 10.3.5 | 10.iii.6 | 10.3.7 | 10.iii.eight | 10.three.9
Mac OS X x.4 (Tiger) : 10.iv.0 | | x.4.2 | x.4.3 | ten.4.4 | 10.4.5 | x.four.6 | | 10.4.8 | 10.four.9 | 10.4.10 | 10.four.11
Mac Bone X x.5 (Leopard) : 10.5.0 | 10.5.1 | 10.5.2 | 10.5.3 | 10.five.iv | 10.5.5 | x.5.6 | 10.5.7 | 10.v.8 | 10.v.ix (PPC)
  Mac OS X (Snow Leopard) : 10.six.0 | x.half dozen.1 | 10.6.ii | x.six.3 | ten.6.4 | 10.6.five | ten.6.6 | ten.6.7 | 10.6.8
Mac Bone 10 10.7 (Lion) : | 10.7.i | | 10.7.3 | 10.7.iv | ten.7.5
  Mac Os X ten.8 (Mountain Lion) : x.eight.0 | x.8.1 | 10.8.ii | 10.eight.3 | 10.8.4 | x.8.v
Bone X x.9 (Mavericks) : ten.nine.0 | 10.ix.1 | 10.9.2 | ten.9.3 | 10.nine.4 | 10.9.5
OS 10 10.x (Yosemite) : 10.10.0 | 10.ten.ane | ten.10.2 | x.10.3 | ten.x.4 | 10.x.5
Os X 10.11 (El Capitan) : 10.11.0 | 10.11.1 | 10.xi.2 | 10.11.3 | 10.11.iv | 10.11.5 | 10.eleven.6
macOS ten.12 (Sierra) : 10.12.0 | 10.12.1 | ten.12.2 | 10.12.3 | 10.12.iv | ten.12.5 | 10.12.six
macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) : ten.thirteen.0 | 10.thirteen.ane | 10.13.2 | 10.13.iii | 10.13.four | 10.thirteen.5 | 10.13.six
macOS 10.14 (Mojave) : 10.14.0 | x.14.1 | ten.fourteen.2 | x.xiv.3 | ten.xiv.4 | x.14.5 | 10.fourteen.half dozen
macOS ten.15 (Catalina) : 10.xv.0 | x.15.1 | 10.fifteen.two | 10.15.3 | 10.15.4 | x.xv.5 | ten.fifteen.six | 10.15.7
macOS 11 (Big Sur) : eleven.0 · 11.0.1 | xi.i | 11.2 · xi.two.1 · 11.2.2 · xi.2.three | eleven.iii · xi.three.1 | 11.4 | 11.5 · 11.five.1 · 11.5.2 | 11.6 · 11.6.1 · · 11.6.3 · 11.6.4 · 11.6.five
macOS 12 (Monterey) : 12.0 · 12.0.1 | 12.1 | 12.ii · 12.ii.1 | 12.3 · 12.3.ane | 12.4

Apple Mac Os X 10.8 5 Download

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